Christopher M. Norem Honored with Fellowship in the International Society of Barristers
The Law Offices of Parente & Norem, P.C. would like to congratulate Christopher M. Norem on his acceptance of Fellowship into the International Society of Barristers.
The International Society of Barristers (ISOB) has a membership of less than 750 lawyers adjudged by their peers and judges to be “outstanding in the field of advocacy,” the Society seeks to honor the role of trial lawyer in our system of justice. One of its principal goals is the preservation of the adversary system and jury trial.
The ISOB was founded in 1965. Its founders conceived the organization to bring together the best of the trial bar in a setting devoid of partisan interests. The Society’s membership consists of Fellows of the Society. As individuals, the Fellows of the Society are committed to the highest of ethical standards and to civility in all their personal and professional relationships. One of the hallmarks of the organization is the inclusion of members’ spouses or significant others as full participants in the activities of the Society.
With a limited membership, the Society has Fellows from every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and from Australia, Canada, England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the great majority from the United States.
No lawyer may apply for membership in the Society. New Fellows are elected by the Society’s Board of Governors on nomination by an existing Fellow and after inquiry as to the nominee’s skill as a trial lawyer and personal and professional integrity directed to other Barristers in the nominee’s region and to judges before whom the nominee has tried cases.
Mr. Norem’s acceptance into the ISOB is a testament to his outstanding advocacy, professionalism, and commitment to justice. It also reflects the high regard in which he is held by his peers and the judiciary. This achievement not only honors Mr. Norem personally but also underscores the caliber of legal representation offered by the Law Offices of Parente & Norem, P.C.
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